
Developed a functional e-commerce website as a group for bothdropshipping and shopping. Gained a team-oriented personality whiledeveloping a time-limited project using React, TailwindCSS, and Supabase.

3D scientefic visualition React + Vite Vtk.js Redux with file storage and user authentication.

Emsa Gazi Kart
Developed a website for Emsa Gazi (European Medical Students' Association Gazi FMO) to promote their card. The EMSA Gazi card is a membership card that provides various discounts and benefits.

Bahur Otomotiv
Developed a website for a car repair service to attract new customers, using animated icons and 3D graphics.

Selami Kiminsu
Developed a portfolio website for a real estate agent. This site helps promote their services and increase their visibility in the market.